Frame your wedding photography, PLEASE!
framed prints
Frame your wedding photos, PLEASE!
I can never stress enough how important it is for everyone to print and frame your wedding photography! It’s so sad that in modern society we place so much importance on simply having the photos in a digital medium, to perhaps share on social media, or to occasionally flip though on your computer foir no good reason! The truth of the matter is that, if you print and frame the photos from your wedding day, it simply looks so much better! This isn’t only because I want to sell more prints, but it’s very true – let me explain!
Warning! Boring number stuff!
(skip the next paragraph if numbers and sciency stuff bore you)
The average dpi (dots per inch) or more accurately ppi (pixels per inch) of your average monitor on a computer is somewhere between 72 and 130. This means that a wedding photo displayed on your screen is made up of 72-130 ‘dot’s of little colours so close together they create an image.
The more ‘dots’ the better as this makes an image clearer – it’s the reason why 4k TV looks so much better than full HD TV, which looks so much better than standard definition TV as they cram more ‘dots’ into the same space. When printing your photos on paper with a high resolution printer, the print resolution is usually around 300 dpi – if not higher, which makes a quality print around 3 time better quality than what you view on your screen.
Just as a side note the ppi for a 40″ 4k TV is 110, and Full HD, 55 which is the reason why you can sit close to a computer monitor, but not your TV, and also my computer monitors tend to be more expensive than a similar sized TV.
Frame your wedding photography!
As a result of the recent ending of the SvenStudios people’s choice wedding photo of the year contest for 2017, our winner was Milena and Steven from their wedding at the Adelaide Botanic Gardens! The framed print above was produced as their prize. Their framed print was worth $419, and looks absolutely incredible printed on fine art paper and framed professionally. As a wedding photographer, this is so much better than just looking at it on a screen!
I feel as though people who do not print and frame their wedding photos are put off by it’s perceived cost – and also the idea that anyone is able to print off their photos at places like Officeworks for far cheaper. The fact of the matter is that those cheaper, wholesale places just don’t compare with the quality and feel a proper print has, and the framing options they offer just aren’t great.
It’s like buying a car, but being content with a 1986 Barina, when you could have an Audi A6. I mean, yes there is a price difference, and I mean the Barina does fit the bill, it’ll get me from A to B, but the Audi makes me feel awesome doing it. It depends on what that awesome feeling is worth to you!
Displaying photos from your special day also has huge health benefits to people who live at your home. These precious photos of your big day can transport you back to the time you felt the most joyuous and can overcome any momentary dark feelings you might feel in the moment whenevr you walk by those favourite memories hanging in your living room!
Having family photos prominently displayed in your home canalso be beneficial to the development of healthy levels of self-esteem in your children. It gives them the opportunity to acknowledge the fact that they belong and that they are valuable to the group.
Psychologists are of the opinion that images might communicate to the child’s brain the message that they are an essential part of a family unit. Even when they are in their teenage years, your child will benefit tremendously from the presence of these precious photos, which provide an excellent contribution to your child’s growth and development.