Emily & Angel
Cruising Yacht Club of SA Wedding
Emily and Angel held their lovely intimate wedding ceremony at the the Cruising Yacht Club of SA. The prestige of this venue is apparent as soon as you arrive as you’re surrounded by multi million dollar yachts in a stunning location! I was asked to be their wedding photographer for a few hours, seeing me with them for their preparation, through to the first parts of their early reception dinner.
Emily and Angel chose to be prepared on the same location, together at a property not far from the Cruising Yacht Club. The atmosphere was reasonably laid back with family and freinds also on site fussing about, preparing lunch, or getting ready while watching a Chinese action movie on the TV in the background. I was treated to some scrumptous home made food while there, and it was very much appreciated!
As Emily and Angel were being prepared at the same lcoation they could share makeup artists and hairdressers, without having them travel to multiple locations in the morning – this made everything run much smoother than what I have experienced in the past, and everyone was ready to leave, and head to the ceremony quite early.
Cruising Yacht Club of SA Wedding Ceremony
The Cruising Yacht club of SA is a well kept secret of Adelaide wedding venues, nestled along the shores of the north-western Adelaide beaches, the marina and club rooms are hard to spot unless you are looking out for the venue as you drive past. The main draw of the venue for weddings would be the views of the marina and exclusivity of the space provided – including gated car parking and a hidden wedding ceremony spot.
The wedding ceremony location set up at the Cruising Yacht Club of SA is a small, dedicated area set off to the side of the marina, shaded by cloth sails and headlined by an impressive concrete circular station where the bridal couple stands during the ceremony. Emily and Angel’s wedding ceremony was held bilingually in both English and Chinese for the benefit of all those in attendance and made everyone smile with it’s innate sweetness and beauty.
Glamour Photos
After the ceremony and family photos which we held just behind where the wedding ceremony took place, we first used the Cruising Yacht Club of SA’s lovely marina lined with huge yachts to take some glamour photos. Emily and Angel had even arranged to use the bow of one of the yachts to have photos done, which was wonderfully unique. We then went on a short drive to Grange beach where we used the lovely sand dunes and jetty for more shots, while also making use of the large kites that were being flown that day as a backdrop.
Cruising Yacht Club of SA Wedding Reception
The Cruising Yacht club of SA has a number of different function rooms to choose from when holding a wedding ceremony. As Emily and Angel’s wedding party wasn’t on the large side, they opted to make use of the smaller of the available areas for their wedding reception. It was a nice space that boasted sweeping views of the marina and all the boats. The highlight of their party I feel was their duel bouquet toss, where they both threw their bouquet at the same time. it’s always fun when everyone joins in for that! WHile I wasn’t there for their entire reception, the atmosphere was friendly, laid back and felt very family friendly, with evertyone enjoying themselves and listening to speeches.
Thanks go out ot Emily and Angel for having me as their wedding photographer!
Alison & Josh
St Laurence’s Church High Mass Wedding
I was priviledged to witness the St Laurences Church High Mass Wedding of Alison and Josh in mid November as their wedding photographer. it was quite the spectical with no less than 3 priests and a multitude of altar boys conducting the very traditional latin high mass at the fore of the stunning church that is St Laurence’s. While the ceremony was wonderful, it was also fantastic to cover the first wedding reception that has been held at the new venue of Tatachilla estate!
I began the day as I usually do at the place where Josh and his groomsmen were being prepared. The morning was quite laid back with some funny moments where someone had given Josh some booklets titled ‘don’ts for weddings, and husbands‘ while also reminicing about other weddings the groomsmen had been a part of.
I arrived at the house were Alison was being prepared just as their make-up was being completed, which is great as I’m then able to flit about taking detail shots of the dress, shoes, etc. The bridal party all had matching kimonos on during the morning, and two little girls were running about causing havok – which was kind of a good thing as it distracted from any nerves Alison may have been feeling. 🙂
St Laurences Church High Mass Wedding Ceremony
As some of you may know, I worked at a Catholic primary school for almost a decade as a Japanese teacher, so I was fairly knowledgeable of the procession of mass, and wedding masses. However, Alison and Josh’s High Mass wedding was something I had yet to witness. The entire procession was quite awe inspiring, with no less than 3 priests and several altar boys conducting the service, all while a 4-strong gregorian chior chanted in the background. The High Mass itself took around 90 minutes to complete, as it followed a strict procession, concluding whith all the guests joining in with communion. The stunning surrounds of St Laurences Church made for a stunning backdrop for the entire ceremony, and it was certainly a ceremony to remember!
Glamour Photos
For glamour photos, we first utilised the wonderful interior of St Laurences, after having the group photo done out the front of the church. We then went for a short drive to South Terrace to Veale Gardens where we made use of the lovely diversity available there. From Australian gum trees out the back, to highly manicured rose gardens, it’s a nice spot to capture a variety of wedding photos. We then head towards Mclaren Vale as a short stop off before heading to Tatachilla Estate for the reception. We usued the wonderful olive tree grove located right off the main street to get a few shots in amongst the trees. Our final spot for glamour photos was the vineyards located out the front of Tatachilla estate. We used the dying light as the sun went down for a few nice shots of just Alison and Josh together amongst the vines.
Tatachilla Estate Wedding Reception
I was told that Alison and Josh’s wedding reception was the first that has been held at the new venue at Tatachilla Estate. Apparently the venue had been recently purchased from the nearby Tatachilla Lutheran School in order to ransform it into a new, large wedding and event venue, and I must say it certainly has potential! It’s a huge space, suitable for gigantic functions, but as it is right now it’s fairly rustic as it had been used as a school camp space for decades.
Alison and Josh’s reception was punctuated by loving speeches, plenty of dancing and scores of people all having a great time!
I’d like to thank Alison and Josh for having me as their wedding photographer, it was a wonderful day and certainly a wedding I’ll not soon forget! 😀
Baby Mirella
Newborn shoot
Baby Mirella
I got to meet little baby Mirella the other day, she wasn’t overly keen on having newborn photos done, but once Daddy stepped in for a bit, she was happy for a few quick snaps before she went off to have a little nap. The nap time allowed me to get a few more shots with Mum and Dad while she wasnt grumpy. Mirella was about 9 weeks old when I was taking these photos, which means that she’s getting a little bit bigger than what one would usually aim for when having newborn photos done. Generally one would aim to have photos done between 2-4 weeks old, as thats when a newborn is still tiny, and more happy to sit still, not knowing too much about whats going on around them. Baby Mirella on the other hand wasn’t too keen on the flashing lights -but once she got used to them all, we got a few nice shots 🙂
Rachael & Jason
AlRu Farm Wedding
Rachael and Jason went on a week long road trip from Perth with their little fur babies in order to hold their wedding at the stunning AlRu Farm in Northern Adelaide. It’s little wonder why as, combined witht he stunning surrounds fo AlRu Farm and the amazing weather they enjoyed on their day – the whole setting was stunning and made for a wonderful day! I was asked to be their wedding photographer for their day, along with providing my photobooth that was set up for their reception.
Both Rachael and Jason were prepared on site at AlRu farm, in the cute little self-contained cottage on site, nestled in amongst the wonderful gardens and wild flowers that were sprouting this time of year. Jason and his groomsmen however had a much shorter amount of time to get ready as they had to juggle puttin finishing touches on their decorations around the venue, and the fact that Rachael and her bridal party were expecting to find the cottage unused and ready for them to get ready.
As I mentioned previously, Rachael andJason brought their little fur babies along with them for their day, so they were present while Rachael was getting ready, trying to catch the ducks and generally just being little puppies. They were an integral part of Rachael and Jason’s day being their ring bearers during their ceremony, along with taking pride of place as a large printed photo near their head table during the reception.
Rachael and her bridal party had a very relaxing preparation, with little to no nerves showing, and everyone just laughing and having a great time right up until the ceremony.
AlRu Farm Wedding Ceremony
AlRu farm has a small, purpose built little grassed area, flanked on all sides by lush vegetation suitable for wedding ceremonies, which is where Rachale and Jason chose to hold their own ceremony. The sun was floating in and out of cloud cover all the while during the ceremony, which made it tricky for me – but made for quite a diverse range of photos.
Their cermeony was short and sweet, punctuated by heartfelt personalised vows, and of course their little puppies running in and being cute while carrying their wedding rings.
Glamour Photos
For glamour photos, as one might expect when having a wedding at the stunning AlRu farm, we utilised the beautiful gardens for their glamour photos! The gardens on site are pretty much purpose built for wedding photos, with a range of different scenery that just makes taking wedding photography a breeze. Was just a shame we head out a little too late in the evening to catch the sunset over the lake, but we certainly made use of the greenhouse at night, where I lit it up with portable lights and made a stunning scene!