Relive your wedding day, your way with Wedding re-LIVE
I’m sure you’ve all heard stories of bridal couples who have had some small hiccup, or story from their big day in which they wish they could do something differently. Well, that need not be you for your own wedding!
The product development team at Svenstudios have been hard at work building upon our already impressive array of technologies developed in order to better enjoy the memories from your big day. From the developers of Instant wedding photography, robotic wedding ceremonies, a fan favourite odorgraphy and many more – comes ‘Wedding re-LIVE’.
Wedding re-LIVE
With the incredible Wedding re-LIVE service exclusively from SvenStudios, you are able to utilise the very latest in virtual reality and deep fake technologies to not only relive your wedding day – but actually interact with what happens on your day as if it were a computer game.
Using a Virtual Reality headset you basically take control of your own self as recorded on your wedding day, and walk around your wedding venue as if you were a marionette puppeteer. In this way you’re able to talk to your guests – visit areas you never did, or perhaps watch uncle Jim drunkenly meander out the gate as you had heard it was hilarious from your geusts but you missed it as you were busy with your first dance!
How does it work?
Before your day, I will dillegently scan your wedding venue using the latest in 360 degree cameras and mapping hardware in order to produce an intricately detailed 3D map of the entire space. This involves running about with a camera on a pole. The more I scan, the father you can walk around in virtual reality with your self as your ‘game’ character!
I then import all the data I created into the Unreal Engine – which is software that underpins many modern games to a degree that reality and gaming becomes blurred due to the realistic textures I captured while scanning your venue.
Finally all I need is to have you, as the bride and/or groom wear a discreet 360 camera on a pole that sticks out of your back, all day. You wont even know it’s there! This camera records your movements, speech patterns and personality in such a way that SvenStudios can now use that data to program how your guests interact with your virtual avatar when using the Wedding re-LIVE service!
The result being a completely immersive, and highly customiseable way to relive your day, in the way you want!
Perhaps you said something stupid to the wait staff? We’ve all been there – Enjoy your meal sir! “YOU TOO!” – god what an idiot! Relive your wedding with Wedding re-LIVE and that sort of thing won’t happen again!
This service of course extends on the already ground breaking 360 degree filming of your wedding ceremony that we offer for free with any wedding we cover as either your wedding photograoher or videographer and we feel as though this is the next logical step in better recording your wedding day and your memories in the most realistic way possible.
Be sure to get in contact to have us utilise this pioneering new service at your own wedding day. You certainly will not regret it – just as long as you don’t look at the date and are willing to have a bit of a laugh at your own expense!