I head out to Paula and Andrew’s beautifully family-centric Lakes Hotel wedding in West Lakes at the beginning of October, and I had a ball of a time 🙂
The weather wasn’t always the best, showing a bit of cloud for much of the day, but we still managed to make use of the hotel and nearby park for some great shots!
Lakes Hotel Wedding Ceremony
I started my time with Paula and Andrew right at the start of their wedding ceremony, which was held in one of the function rooms on site at the Lakes Hotel. The function room they held their ceremony in overlooked the West Lakes river which made for a lovely backdrop while also being shielded from the slight drizzle of rain that was falling outside.
The ceremony itself was a lovely simple affair with some in-jokes about Paula and Andrews relationship interspersed by some lovely heart-felt vows and reading from a guest who diddnt seem to know they were doing a reading! Thosesorts of things at a wedding always makes everyone smile 🙂
Apparently Paula and Andrew had been engaged for a good 25 years! So of course some of the injokes throughout the ceremony and the speeches later in the night centered around that! Qudos for them to finally tying the knot though! Even if was doing a global pandemic.. :/
Groom patiently waiting near pole
Bride arriving near elevator
Bride and father photo
Bridal approach at the Lakes Hotel Wedding
Smiling bride during ceremony 2
Smiling groom during ceremony 2
Holding hands together 2
Standing at the altar together – Lakes Hotel wedding
Bride looking at her groom 2
Speech giver
The Lakes Hotel Wedding Ceremony
The Lakes Hotel Wedding Ceremony 2
The Lakes Hotel Wedding Ceremony 3
Exchanging wedding rings 4
First kiss under the arbour 2
Bridal exit in bubbles
Glamour Photos
After taking all the group photos both outside on the riverside, and then the rest inside as it had started to rain a little, I attempted to use the architecture of the Lakes Hotel for much of their photoshoot, hoping the rain dispersed enough for us to head outside a bit later – thankfully that’s exactly what happened!
We went for a walk along side the river and made use of the wonderful little beach nearby and dozens of seagulls flying overhead for some neat shots! I did get my shoes wet – but that’s just the life of a wedding photographer! Need to do what it takes for the best shot!
Bride gleefully looking at groom
Groom enjoying a beer
Wedding photo through poles
Lakes resort hotel wedding
Bride looking pretty at the Lakes Resort Hotel
Bride playing with bouquet in hallway
Groom being playful
Groom holding his bride 2
Bride and groom walking down hallway at the Lakes Hotel
Groom walking down hallway at the Lakes Resort Hotel
Bride and groom standing under seagulls
Sharing a kiss under seagulls
Standing on the beach together 2
bridal party standing on the beach near the Lakes Hotel
Close up of the engagement ring 2
Bride and groom sitting together
Bridal wings
Lakes Hotel Wedding Reception
Before starting for the day I arrived at the Lakes Hotel early to set up my photobooth for the evening. When I arrived the hall was very small, but I wasn’t to know that they actually extended the reception hall where I set the photobooth up in throughout the other function room where they held their ceremony! Turned out to be a huge area very suitable for a lovely wedding reception overlooking the water.
While I was attending the photobooth throughout the night I also stood up every now and again to take photos of the speeches and of course the first dance. Was a lovely night!
Wedding cake 3
Bride and groom entering reception 2
Guest having fun 5
Bride and groom standing under the stars
Guests having fun 3
Cutting the cake 2
Kiss from guest
Using the photobooth
Shoe game 2
Speech 3
First dance at the lakes resort hotel
First dance at the lakes resort hotel wedding
I’d like to thank Paula and Andrew for having me as their wedding photographer on their special day! I hope Paula and Andrew enjoy their photos as much as I enjoyed taking them throughout their big day!
It was such a joy to head back out for a big wedding after having South Australian COVID restrictions ease for weddings! I saw myself at The Manor Basket Range, a majestic wedding venue for Kate and Josh’s wedding on a stunningly sunny day; despite it still being winter!
it was a super fun day to be a part of, and I even met some long lost relatives as it turned out I was actually related to half of the guests somehow! Adelaide is such a small city, and it’s so much fun to meet people and head to weddings because of it!
The day turned out to be a fairly long one for me, with Kate and her girls requesting I first meet them in Hahndorf while they were having their hair and makeup done early in the morning! Which was fine, it just emant I had to get up ealier 😛
I then head on over tot he bed and breakfast that John and his groomsmen were getting ready. I Unfortuately put my foot in it in the mornign and called John ‘Josh’ so much in the mornign that the boys just ran with it for the rest of the day as they found it pretty funny 😛 Sorry John!
The boys were all pretty laid back, having had a bit of a board game night the night before, and leasurely got ready – until it was time to put on their ties that is. Only one of them knew how to properly tie a tie so that took up most of the time I was there 🙂
The bed and breakfast boardered a farm with some llamas and featured a cubby house which we very much took advantage of.
Grooms watch on ties
Wedding rings on table
Grooms suit jacket
Belt and ties
Groom smiling while putting on cufflinks
Helping out with the ties
Smiling groomsman 3
Groom looking happy
Groom adjusting tie in window 2
Groomsmen joking about 2
Groom putting finishing touches on
Groom and groomsmen in cubby house 2
Once the girls had had their hair and makeup done in Hahndorf, they made their way to the Manor to put on their dresses and take a few shots helping Kate get into her wedding dress.
I made sure to make use of the amazing huge chandelier in the entrance lobby to the Manor to really put a bit of medieval flair to their preparation photos, as after all they were getting ready in a castle! Fun tidbit, the last time I was at a The Manor Basket range wedding was back when it was called Camelot castle.
The girsl got ready without much fuss, and made a point of having Kate’s Dad come in for a bit of a father daughter ‘first look’ as he had not seen his daugher in her wedding dress prior to the day. It’s always a lovely moment to share!
Wedding dress hanging illuminated by window
bride through doorway 2
Lacing up the wedding dress
Laughing bride in mirror
Medieval bride getting ready
bride overlooking chandelier
Bride standing in dark room
Close up of bride under veil 2
Bride being silly on shae lounge
Bride at The Manor Basket Range
Dad’s first look 3
Dad’s first look 4
The Manor Basket Range Wedding Ceremony
As a mentioned earlier, The Manor was once called ‘Camelot Castle’ due to the fact that it’s built in the image of a medieval castle, complete with a small stone chaple, snuggled amongst a garden and tall battlements along the top of the manor. In front of the chapel is usually where wedding ceremonies are held, and Kate and John’s was no exception.
One exceptional thing about Kate and John’s The Manor Basket Range wedding ceremony though was Kate’s surprise entrance flanked by 5 medieval knights in full battle armour! Apparently there were supposed to be 6, but one could not make it. They took up position behind the bridal party during the ceremony and formed a guard of hnour as it ended.
Another highlight of Kate and John’s ceremony was their hand fasting, which culminated quite cleverly in a ceremonial ‘tying of the knot‘ to mark their union.
bridal approach at The Manor Basket Range
Father and Bride walking together
bride during wedding ceremony 2
The Manor Basket range wedding Ceremony
Groom looking at his bride during the wedding ceremony
Hand Fasting ceremony 2
Best man with the rings
Exchanging wedding rings 5
The Manor Basket Range wedding ceremony in front of the chapel
Tieing the knot 2
The Manor Basket Range wedding ceremony 2
First kiss 5
Wedding ceremony in front of the chapel
bridal exit at The Manor Basket range
Medieval Tournament
Directly after the ceremony, the knights that formed an honour guard around Kate and John headed towards the grassy area in front of the Manor Basket range’s accomodation area to conduct a short tournament.
Kate was asked to select her ‘champion’ knight and attach her colours in the form of a handkerchief around the arm of her selected knight as what would have happened back in medieval times had a noble woman been watching. In this case it was the bride – the most important lady on the day!
It was a really neat spectical to witness, with the knights from Ironclad Academy really going at it and hitting each other wish some force! They were also really neat sporta about having photos with the bridal party and guests, and I even managed to get in for a shot!
As Kate and John had a bit of a Harry Potter theme going on in their reception, I also phtooshopped a bit of a cheesy Harry Potter photo where they were fending off the knights with magic. Bit silly 😛
Fighting Knights
Knight Fight
Knight tournament
Knight ready for a fight
Knight in front of bridal party
Fighting knights at The Manor Basket Range
Medieval Tournament at a wedding
Groomsmen with swords
Good looking guest
Grandma with sword
Grandma victorious
Bride and Groom standing over dead bodies
Harry Potter Wedding Photo
Glamour Photos
We then had some time to meander around the grounds and used the grounds to take some wonderful glamour phtoos of Kate, John and their bridal party.
The best time to take The Manor Bastket range wedding photos I found was certainly towards the end of the day, particularly as it was such a sunny day! The sun hides behind the nearby hills nicely to create quite a magical aura around the grounds to make some beautiful photos!
I also coerced Kate and John outside during their reception to make use fo the unique architecture the Manor offers!
Bridal party in the gardens
Kiss in front of the Manor Basket Range
In amongst the trees 2
Bridal party together in the trees
Having a bit of fun on their wedding day
Bride and groom in the castle gardens
Bride and groom in the castle gardens 2
Bride and groom in front of the manor basket range’s chapel
The Manor Basket range Wedding Photo
Birdal party acting out Charlies Angels
bride and groom in amongst the lights
Kiss under the lights
Bridal party on the foot bridge
Traditional wedding photo
Close up of engagement ring 2
The Manor Basket Range doorway photo
bride and Groom under the castle doorway
The Manor Basket Range Wedding Photo at night
The Manor Basket Range Wedding Reception
As the the COVID restirctions had eased before Kate and John’s wedding in South Australia, there were still plenty of rules to follow so that we minimised the risk of potentially spreading an infection. This included the banning of dancing on the dance floor, and drinking while standing throughout the night.
That being said though, I felt as though all of the guests respected these restrictions and really had a blast of a time anyway! The night really was a lot of fun, and I enjoyed my first large wedding back immensely!
One of the essential elements of a successful wedding is great photography in order to look back at your memories in years to come. With the popularity of social media and the vast developments in photography, couples have begun to expect more from their photographers. They wanted prettier pictures, better videos, and more content overall.
A good wedding photographer is able to blend into the background, only stealing focus from the bride and groom when a bit of an act is needed to get everyones attention for a big group photo.
They should be able to employ a number of different techniques and styles, using these to tailor their photography to the couple’s preferences – but also staying true to the unique vision each photographer represents in their past work. You’re not like to hire a photographer that doesnt have a good track record in the ability to get great wedding photos are you?
A good, modern photographer should also be able to put their subjects at ease, to create photos that are more natural, real and authentic. A more traditional photographer might take a different stance on this, but that’s up to your preference.
Belair National Park wedding photo 2
How can I help get great wedding photos and make it easier for my photographer?
There are many things you can do to improve the quality of your wedding photos by working with your photographer. Keep in mind that every wedding photographer works slightly differently so adapations need to be made, but here are a few ideas to help get great wedding photos:
Build a relationship with your photographer.
A photographer understands that your wedding day is one of the most important events in your life and that there is an added level of vulnerability when it comes to taking intimate photos. It may be difficult to loosen up with a photographer present, but talking candidly with them while they are taking your photos can help build some trust.
Just like any relationship, the foundation of the connection between photographer and subject relies on trust. Trust your photographer, and your photos can come out a lot better. The best way to do this is meeting up with your photographer before your day, just to have a bit of a chat.
Sharing a coffee like this is the most effective way to find out if you share important personality traits and to simply find out if you’d be keen on spending any amount of time with this person – let alone your wedding day!
Driving toward Chateau Tanunda
Forget your photographer exists.
In modern wedding photography, if every single one of your photos is of you looking directly into the camera, then something has gone amiss. The happiest day of your life consists of more authentic and intimate moments than everyone smiling for the camera.
Make sure your photographer is coordinated with the events.
It is not uncommon at weddings for a few of the guests to come up with a beautiful surprise for the bride and groom. It can be a large gift, or a surprise performance from the bride, groom, or a beloved musician.
If the photographer is not informed of such surprises, the chances of them being able to capture that moment in all its splendour are greatly diminished. If you have a wedding planner, make sure that the photographer is made aware of their plans.
If they dont then my experience kicks in when I think something is going to happen and this is a big reaosn why you’d want to hire an experienced wedding photographer!
Boys having fun on the dance floor
Weddings are a tender and historic moment in our lives. It is only right that you wish to capture them for all their beauty with great wedding photography. However you may decide to go about your wedding, a wedding photographer is a must. The right wedding photographer for you can make the joy of your most precious day last a very long time.
It was a beautifully sunny, and unseasonably warm day the day after fathers day this year, so what better way to enjoy the sunshine than head out for a fathers day shoot? I got to meet baby April, who was five months old and she had given her daddy a bit of a photo shoot for fathers day! Of course it was all Mum’s doing, but that’s not how we are remembering it 🙂
The original plan was to head out to the nearby pond and reserve area nearby my house at 7am, to catch the magical rays of the early morning, similar to what we did with another recent baby shoot I did there. However, the shoot took place considerably later which meant that the sun’s rays were a little bit stronger, causing the photos to become quite a bit brighter than I had planned. however I think they reflected the lovely sunny personality of little Baby April! She was such a good smiley bub!
Baby April’s Fathers Day Shoot
As it is the beginning of spring, we got to make use of some of the lovely wild flowers poppng up around the place, while the grass is still super green from the winter. All this combined with the strong sun made for some lovely airy portraits of baby April and her little family.
As I knew this was a fathers day shoot, I was keen to start off with a bit of a father daughter portrait, and I feel as though that worked out very well, very quickly! Usually the best shots of a shoot happen towards the end as everyone is more comnfortable in front of a camera, but they killed it straight up!
baby April had a number of different outfits to change into during the shoot, so while walking about the pond, we had a bit of fun chaging outfits and shooting some cute family shots.
fathers day photo
Baby with her father
Fathers day shoot 2
Smiling family photo in the grass
Walking along the pond edge
Family photo in the sun and trees
April and her Mummy
Fathers Day Shoot 3
Baby sitting in flowers 3
Family walking though trees
happy bub on a sunny day 3
baby in a basket in the grass 2
Smiling baby in a basket 3
In the studio
After out little walk, we finished up within my little home studio for some neat studio shoots. Thankfully April found my face to be absolutely hilarious so I diddnt have to work too hard to make her show her huge grin! Made for a lovely ending to what turned out to be a beautifully successful fathers day shoot!
Cute baby in pink
Alice in WInderland Baby photoshoot
Mum and bub playing
Family photograph in studio
Kisses for April
Thanks so much to little baby April and her parents for coming in for a fathers day shoot! Was a lot of fun and I hope you treat your photos as beautiful reminders of your little family as it is right now! 🙂
Weddings are incredible events. You’ll put on a carefully selected dress or suit. You’ll be surrounded by close family and friends. You’ll be in a place or venue that holds some special meaning for you. Everyone will enjoy the evening partying and toasting your love for you and your partner. The entire occasion will be filled with memories that you’ll carry with you for the rest of your married life.
For a day that requires so much careful planning and preparation, you definitely don’t want to forget how special it is. That’s why it’s so important to pick a capable wedding photographer as you’ll be entrusting them to immortalise your memories.
Wedding planning can be extremely stressful. You might be tempted to book someone just to check this item off your to-do list. However, your photographer will have such an intimate role in your wedding day that it pays to do some research before settling on one.
Wedding cake
What You Should Do Before Picking Your Wedding Photographer
Here are five crucial things you should do before picking your wedding photographer:
1. Figure out your expectations
If you’ve never worked with a photographer before, you should know that one photographer does not equate to another. Everyone approaches their work in a different way and using their own personal styles. Do you prefer more candid photos? Do you want to achieve a certain look? If you’re not clear about what you want, it’ll be hard task picking your wedding photographer.
Try and find a photographer that utilises a style and has demonstrated the ability to form your vision of your wedding photography, and try to stay away from ‘directing’ them too much with requests that may not be a part of the photographer’s usual way of doing things. If you do their work will probably not what you’d expect.
Paxton winery wedding from the air
2. Ask for a referral or two
A good photographer will have many happy clients. Some may have worked at your family or friend’s wedding. A trusted contact will give you an honest review about how they felt about a photographer’s services and if they were able to meet or exceed their expectations.
Reading reviews online help too – but make sure you know what you are reading. Reviews on Google and Facebook can be faked (but not always) and other reviews like those collected by ABIA tend to be more accurate as each review is vetted by a committee.
3. Review albums and portfolios
Photographers will publish their portfolio and recent work online. If they haven’t, you can definitely ask for one. Each photographer has their own style and technique. Check if their previous work aligns with your taste.
When you meet, try and make a point of viewing an entire wedding album – one they have presented to previous clients as completed work. That way you get a better understanding of the quality of their work, and not just the ‘hero’ shots they might publish online.
They are the ones behind the lens, and they’ll be interpreting the event through their own eyes. If you aren’t a fan a photographer’s work style, it’s best to take them off your shortlist.
Digital Deluxe Album
4. Meet with your shortlist in person
Photography is a highly personal and creative undertaking. You’ll be able to tell more about the person by meeting them face to face. Ask about their work ethic and how they can work discreetly but efficiently. A friendly, approachable, and—most of all—professional photographer will put you and your guests at ease and create a good atmosphere for making memories.
The wedding will only last a day, but the photos will last a lifetime. If you don’t set about picking your wedding photographer carefully, you won’t be able to do a do-over. However, if you’ve done your homework well, you’ll be able to find someone who will help you capture the day’s moments as authentically as possible and give you photos that you’ll be happy to look back on for years to come.
We offer professional wedding photography services in Adelaide and all over Australia. Get in contact, and let us know how we can help you capture your special day!